How to prepare to edge a lawn

To achieve perfect curves, straight lines and clean edges around your flowerbeds make sure you always do these 5 things before using a lawn edger.

Where should I use a lawn edger?

A lawn edger is most effective on borders of grass next to other areas in a garden or yard such as a path, patio, bark, driveway, paving or flower bed.

Preparing to edge a lawn

To create the perfect border safely before edging a lawn you’ll need to plan where you’ll be digging and check the ground for obstacles.


For best results we recommend creating a reference line of the area you plan to cut, a line of string tightened between two pegs will create a perfect straight line which is used to guide your cutting. You can dig parallel to the reference line string or alternatively mark-up the lawn using special line marker turf paint, however simple string should suffice. This will not however be necessary when tidying up the border next to a patio, path, driveway, or other existing structure which is already straight.

Do not be tempted to simply dig a border without a guide as you will not be able to accurately create straight edges or easily correct any design mistakes after you have started digging. The whole point of edging your lawn is to create an aesthetically pleasing layout in your garden, you might not notice wonky lines whilst digging but when you stand back small deviations will become very noticeable.

Check the ground

Although you will only be digging a few inches down be mindful that shallow electrical cabling, broadband wires, pipework, tree roots or pond liner might be in the ground already. Therefore, always check first where you will be digging to avoid potentially dangerous or costly mistakes.

Remove obstacles

Try to remove any stones and other debris that might cause an obstruction when cutting and damage the blade on the lawn edger.

Wear gloves

We recommend wearing a pair of gardening gloves to prevent blisters whilst gripping the handle, these will also reduce the chance of getting splinters on a lawn edger with a wooden shaft.

Protect your feet

Because you will be repeatedly applying heavy force to a very thin area of your feet it is wise to wear some thick soled gardening shoes. Wearing shoes with the thin sole or flimsy sports shoes will apply unwanted pressure to the base of your feet causing discomfort and pain over time.

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